The 15 Commandments of the True Leader
Do you want to be a good boss? Can you rely on your team absolutely? Do you want to be a true leader? To feel like a general who can lead his soldiers through fire and brimstone to the ultimate victory?
Well, you just have to follow these advises that Pawel Brodzinski called 15 Ways to Be a Good Boss. I would call them The 15 Commandments of the True Leader. Here they are, published with the author’s kind permission:
1. Give credit to your team whenever they’ve earned it. Publicly.
2. Don’t be too fast with criticism. Wait until you calm down.
3. Don’t wait with feedback to next performance review. That would be too late.
4. Be team’s advocate in front of your supervisors. And vice versa.
5. Let people find consensus instead of telling them what to do. Whenever possible.
6. Enter when you see a conflict. Be fair no matter who is engaged.
7. Be open, honest and straightforward. More often.
8. Listen to the team. They have good ideas.
9. Let people be accountable. Whenever they can.
10. Don’t be afraid to make bold decisions. They pay off.
11. Make though decisions when you believe they’re right. They’ll backfire when not made.
12. Don’t panic in any situation. People count on you.
13. Take the responsibility for the team’s work. Their mistakes are yours.
14. Find the time for your people. Whenever they need it.
15. Cultivate teamwork and team chemistry. Individuals and their interests can destroy both.