Krishna Kumar Did An Interview With Me On Software Development March 24, 2009 Mike Ramm 0 Featured, Links, Project Management, Software Development, My fellow blogger Krishna Kumar from Thought Clusters asked me a few questions about...
Top-down Planning – Good or Bad? August 28, 2008 Mike Ramm 6 Project Management, I read recently an article in PM Hut blog by Keith Mathis where he categorizes...
Project Management and Hiking August 26, 2007 Mike Ramm 0 Project Management, Software Development, Glen Alleman wrote a great post in his blog Herding Cats entitled Agile Planning. There...
The Recommended Weekly Readings (2007-08-18). Project Management August 18, 2007 Mike Ramm 4 Leadership, Links, Project Management, I will try to establish a new series on my blog - The Recommended Weekly...
Project Management 3.0 July 31, 2007 Mike Ramm 0 Project Management, Teamwork, It seems it became a fashion these days to put version numbers to everything. When...
The Project Management Theories According to Bas de Baar July 23, 2007 Mike Ramm 0 Project Management, Bas de Baar posted a very interesting analysis of the structure of the project management....