Krishna Kumar Did An Interview With Me On Software Development March 24, 2009 Mike Ramm 0 Featured, Links, Project Management, Software Development, My fellow blogger Krishna Kumar from Thought Clusters asked me a few questions about...
Follow The Sun – Tips For Offshore Development September 17, 2008 Mike Ramm 11 Featured, Project Management, Software Development, Bas de Baar pointed me to this great advise for offshore distribution of the work...
Top-down Planning – Good or Bad? August 28, 2008 Mike Ramm 6 Project Management, I read recently an article in PM Hut blog by Keith Mathis where he categorizes...
CIO Top 100 Companies For 2008 August 26, 2008 Mike Ramm 1 Project Management, The CIO magazine announced the top 100 companies for 2008 that are creating new business...
What is the project goal? June 11, 2008 Mike Ramm 7 Project Management, The PMI definition of a project says that it is "a temporary endeavor undertaken to...
Recommended Readings: Free e-book downloads October 20, 2007 Mike Ramm 2 Death March, Links, Project Management, Software Development, Jeff Atwood of Codding Horror wrote an article the other day called Why Does Software...